[Lawn Care Tips] - Fungal Disease in Couch Bermuda Grass

2010-08-10 240


I have filmed this couch lawn in Kellyville, NSW, Australia. This strange motley appearance has happened to this lawn each Winter for the last 2-3 years. Even the Australian Turf academics/expertsare clueless about what is happening. If you can help please contact us via http://www.LawnGreen.com.au/ - we would love to know so we can serve our customers better!

An easy way to look after your lawn - hop over to http://www.LawnGreen.com.au/ and register for "The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn"- or call Lawn Green on 1300 55 74 72 for a Free Quote for a Lush Green Weed Free Lawn

Gerry Faehrmann
CEO and Lawn Expert
Lawn Green Pty Ltd
7 Elliott Place
Cherrybrook NSW 2126 Australia
[Weed and Feed Lawn Care Sydney]
[Weed and Feed Lawn Care]
[Lawn Care]
[Lawn Care Tips]
[Winter Grass]
[How To Kill Winter Grass]
[Selective Herbicides for Lawns]
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[Lawn Green]
[Fungal disease]